Proslabs microbio consulting inaugurated its brand new headquarters on Thursday in Daoudabougou in commune V of The District of Bamako. IsO 9001 Certified, Proslabs microbio consulting is the first laboratory in Mali with expertise proven in analyses and advice.
The ceremony, which the inauguration of this new headquarters of the company Proslabs microbio consultancy, took place under the chairmanship of the elected representative of the commune V, Mrs TOGOLA Jacqueline Marie NANA, in the presence of the President and CEO of the structure, Issiaka BA. In addition to these personalities, there was also the presence of traditional, administrative and political authorities in the Common V. According to the representative of the mayor of The Municipality V, who introduced the commemorative event of the reception of this seat, stated that with this business, it is the end of the ordeal of people looking for expertise for the analysis of samples of various products. In Mali, he says it is increasingly seeing a pressing need to analyse some of the products we use. For him, our environment is polluted various reasons for its consequences of disease. Everything, he said. who requires a lot of attention about the quality of the products we consume. “In Daoudabougou, where the company’s headquarters are located, water wells is no longer fit for consumption, let in the end of some of our products we use. This proves to be enough the usefulness of this to prevent certain diseases,” said the representative Mayor of Commune V. The elected official of the nation, for his part, after expressing satisfaction at taking part in this inauguration ceremony, praised the initiative of the young Issiaka BA who has just made an act that she appreciated personally at its true value. Indeed, it argued that the act, before everything is part of the promotion of the well-being of the population. Impressed initiative, she urged young people to follow the example of the CEO Issiaka BA before flattering him for his saving initiative. Ms. TOGOLA emphasised the involvement of young people in the development of the countries with individual or collective private initiatives so as not to expect everything from the state. “Young people don’t expect everything from the state. The state showed its limits. I ask you to show initiative,” she said. Advised. Created in 2012, according to its CEO, Proslabs microbio consulting is equipped unique state-of-the-art equipment in West Africa that is capable of analysing 98% of the periodic table of chemical elements. Its activities mainly affect private and public structures such as environment, water, waste, agri-food, agriculture, geology, mining, metallurgy, materials analysis, cosmetics industry, etc. On quality and seriousness in treatment Analyses that are lacking in many specialized structures; it gives insurance: “Thanks to high-performance equipment that is perfectly maintained in an adequate working environment, the quality and reliability of results of analyses are carried out as soon as possible.” According to experts who were present at the meeting, this laboratory will allow to offer the choice for authorities and private organisations to make on-the-spot analyses. Indeed, they claim that for some analyses, the Mali was obliged to go to the countries of the subregion. So it’s, according to his hope for an egg of relief while waiting for it to come to fruition. The ceremony ended with the cutting of the symbolic ribbon by the CEO and The Honourable Jacqueline Marie NANA, who was followed by the guided tour of the Local.
By Sikou BAH